The My Birth Podcast
Enjoy one of my My Birth guided visualisations from the comfort of your own home. These are designed to help mums and those who identify as a mum, to use journalling to support their own mental health and emotional wellbeing. Each week a new recording will be available on a different topic. Some will invite you to use poetry, art, creative writing or collage to respond to the visualisation and to care for yourself. These resources are based on #maternaljournal's guides and are available for free thanks to grants from Allchurches Trust and St Helens Town Centre Trustees.podcast weblog You can join our My Birth community on a number of social media platforms and join one of our events or online through Eventbrite. See all our links here:
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Bring your favourite poem or book and use it to create a poem of your own! To enjoy this podcast creatively, have some playdough, colours and paper or your journal handy. You can enjoy this with children too.
These episodes are available free of charge, thanks to the guides from #Maternaljournal and grant funding from the St Helens Town Centre Trustees. My Birth
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Come and make a celebration of all you have done today, rather than a depressing to do list! To enjoy this podcast creatively, have some playdough, colours and paper or your journal handy. You can enjoy this with children too.
These episodes are available free of charge, thanks to the guides from #Maternaljournal and grant funding from the St Helens Town Centre Trustees. My Birth